报告题目:Processing and Application of Physiological and Motor Signals in Assistive Robotics 报告人:Jinhua She, Professor 主持人:张文安 报告时间:2025年3月17日(周一)9:00 报告地点:信息楼D533 报告摘要: Japan entered a super-aged society [percentage of old people (≥ 65 yrs old) ≥ 21%] in 2005. Nowadays, the aging problem in Japan is very serious. As a measure to cope with aging, research related to assistive robots has been widely carried out. In this talk, I will explain how we process physiological and motor signals and make full use of them to build control systems for the assistive robots we have developed, using examples of an electric trolley, a left-right independent treadmill, and a sit-to-stand assistive machine. 报告人简介 Dr. She received his B.S. degree in engineering from Central South University, Changsha, China, in 1983; and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1990 and 1993, respectively. In 1993, he joined the School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology, where he is currently a professor. Dr. She's research interests include the applications of control theory, repetitive control, active disturbance rejection, and assistive robotics. He has published more than 400 journal papers and 6 monographs. He received the IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Control Engineering Practice Paper Prize in 1999 (jointly with M. Wu and M. Nakano), and was included in the list of Thomson Reuters' Highly Cited Researchers from 2013 to 2015 and World’s Top 2% Scientists since 2019. Dr. She is an IEEE Fellow, serves as an IEEE HI-TC Advisory Board member (2021-present) and an AdCom member of IEEE IES (2022-2024), was the Delegate of Cluster 4 of IEEE IES Technical Committees (2019-2021), and the chair of the Technical Committee on Human Factors (2017-2018). He is an Associated Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, and IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, and Intelligence & Robotics; and a Technical Editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 报告题目:Traction Control for Electric Vehicles Starting on an Uphill Road by Torque Function Control with Bias Torque 报告人:Shigeyuki Takagi, Professor 主持人:张文安 报告时间:2025年3月17日(周一)9:40 报告地点:信息楼D533 报告摘要 We have proposed the new torque function control (TFC) method with the bias torque to improve the acceleration performance and the slip suppression performance of electric vehicles (EVs) starting on an uphill road, and obtained the method how to optimize the bias torque. This optimization gives the maximum bias torque satisfying that there is only one vehicle stationary point on the stable area of the road friction function. We evaluated the effectiveness of the TFC method using the optimized bias torque for EV starting on an uphill road by simulations and experiments. In the simulations, the slip phenomenon is suppressed rapidly and continuously due to the optimized bias torque. In the experiments using the EV carrying one person, when using the proposed TFC method with the optimized bias torque, the vehicle speed is 1.7 times at 3 s compared with the EV accelerates with slipping. 报告人简介 报告题目:Project-Based Learning for University Education 报告人:Seiichi Kawata (川田誠一), Professor Dr. Eng. 主持人:张文安 报告时间:2025年3月17日(周一)10:20 报告地点:信息楼D533 报告摘要 In this talk, I would like to explain about project-based learning (PBL) for university education. The main contents are as follows. PBL for university education fosters hands-on learning, enhances problem-solving skills, encourages teamwork, offers real-world relevance, promotes interdisciplinary learning, and stimulates creativity and innovation. The PBL process and implementation methods involve setting project goals and outcomes, building and planning PBL projects, facilitating student teams, managing resources and support, monitoring and evaluating project progress, and implementing PBL. The process will encompass reflection and evaluation, culminating in a discussion on how individual students will be graded within group PBL. This will include specific references to rubrics for project evaluation, weekly reports, self and peer assessments, learning portfolios, supervisory evaluations, oral responses and presentations, and reviews from industry experts. 报告人简介 He was a member of the Cabinet Office Fourth Industrial Revolution Human Resource Development Promotion Council Member Japan. He was a Chairman of the Study Group on the Fourth Industrial Revolution Skill Acquisition Course Certification System, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Japan. He was a Chairman of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Skill Acquisition Course Accreditation Review Committee, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan. He was a Regular Member of the Establishment Council of Universities and School Corporations, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan. He is a SICE (The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan) Fellow and a Chairperson of APEN (Asia Professional Education Network). He is a member of IEEE, JSME (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers), SICE (The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan), and JSAI (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence). He published many papers in the field of Control engineering applications for industrial problems, soft computing applications for manufacturing systems optimization, Development of integrated simulators of discrete event systems and continuous systems, and Service engineering. 报告题目:Advancements in Wearable Biosensors and Volatile Organic Compound Bio-imaging Systems for Healthcare Monitoring 报告人:Takahiro Arakawa, Associate Professor 主持人:张文安 报告时间:2025年3月17日(周一)11:00 报告地点:信息楼D533 报告摘要 The measurement of biophysical quantities of the human body has garnered significant attention in the medical and healthcare fields. Wearable sensors have emerged as promising tools for monitoring relevant parameters in healthcare, sports, and medical applications. Leveraging biophysical information with these systems is expected to enable proactive health management, thereby improving public health and reducing medical expenditure. This paper discusses two types of wearable biosensors: tear and saliva glucose biosensors. Our group has developed soft contact lens biosensors for tear chemicals and oral cavity biosensors, such as mouthguard biosensors for salivary analysis. Challenges related to integrating biosensors into monitoring biological information and daily medicine are also addressed. Moreover, recent advancements in analytical devices have facilitated the measurement of minute amounts of odorous materials and volatile chemical compounds. Human breath and skin volatiles, including gases from halitosis and body odor, contain compounds indicative of metabolic processes and specific ailments. Measurement of these volatile biological compounds holds promise for simplifying metabolic capacity evaluation, medical diagnostics, and disease screening. We have developed a novel two-dimensional fluorometric imaging system for detecting ethanol vapor released from human breath and palm skin. This imaging system measures ethanol vapor concentrations by analyzing the fluorescence intensity of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) through an enzymatic reaction induced by alcohol dehydrogenase. The NADH fluorometric imaging system enables real-time, two-dimensional imaging of ethanol vapor distribution at ppb concentration levels. We applied this imaging system to measure breath ethanol vapor and skin ethanol vapor from a human palm, demonstrating rapid and accurate responses with visible measurements. This technology holds promise for real-time analysis of metabolism function in the near future. 报告人简介 |